
Showing posts from April, 2022

Topsy Turvey

Topsy Turvey March 19, 2009 … (25 minutes to write) By Teak Kilmer, SEE    A Prompt for Cursive Writer’s Group: Think of Phrases Common, Make Observations Uncommon   Waste not; want not … want is waste late night eating feeds my hazardous waist   If you can’t say anything good, say nothing at all … but you can always say something good   When you are drawing a blank, what colors do you use?   Picture this: a person head over heels…do you have it yet? “Heels over head” would be posture akimbo!   A prisoner is one or thing that im-prisons A prisonee is one incarcerated! Hence describe: “escapee” and “escaper”.   Finish the sequence: tenth, ninth, eighth, seventh, sixth, fiveth , fourth … threeth, twoth, oneth .  Note – we mispronounce “two” (it should be obvious that two does not rhyme with too and neither does to) and “one”, should rhyme with; bone, cone, phone, and stone   War is Hell so why are we so in love with it? War is proof of failure   The penis mightier than the sword Sex

To Richard Rainbolt ─ Who Helped Me to Ask Only For the Healing of My Perceptions

  To Richard Rainbolt ─ Who Helped Me to Ask Only For the Healing of My Perceptions By Teak Kilmer, SEE On the day you left this plane and planet: May 13, 2011     How fitting it is that Richard would be the first in our original Course in Miracles core group to make the passage ; He has always led the way when it comes to passages; He knew them because he loved and lived them and (in soft, calm voice) refrained them reassuringly   I have envied him this and wondered how he got it so completely I realize now as I sit here that I had wanted to ask him how he knew , what made his epiphany become him, but I let distraction get my attention instead of the question that will not be asked   Three decades ago after a Unity Church service, Arne Wasberg followed me to asking Richard to lead a Course in Miracles group on Sunday nights He rejoiced in the offer and the opportunity and in the task, and we basked in his light, his … peace week after week, ye

To Jo Anne on July 22, 2009 Our 20th Anniversary

  To Jo Anne on July 22, 2009 Our 20 th Anniversary By Teak Kilmer     When I am with you, I am when I am not with you I think of you and I am   I see you in the garden My heart lifts. I am happy for you You tend and weed me too   I rub you when you hurt make dinners; remove the trash even when pain, exhaustion barely do enable   because these and more are due you no matter the wage A thought of you propels me   I am with you and I am    

To His ‘Wholiness’ The Pun-tiff

  To His ‘Wholiness’   The Pun-tiff By Teak Kilmer, SEE November 25, 2017   Our friend Roger was born physically challenged, unable ever to even ride a bike,   but he is a person of marvelous spiritual beauty and a punster extraordinaire.   Know we a one who’s very punny and by this stroke is very funny His talents in this regard hoist all comers by such petard   Pun-tificates does he this lad till no one round him could be sad lifts he one’s spirits, rustles one’s belly turning all about to rosy jelly   As lad, had no skill in such as punting   thus became the class punner which all do know is much more funner He does this art sans pun- or pun-cil … just spews at will from oral enuncils   His utterances disarm with pun-ch and beauty as trippingly he does this humor duty our Roger Curtner: one man pun-demic he thus doberman pun-cher and pun-ny tat we gift aglee   as off they swift him to the pun-itentiary

To Albe Julius Meiers

  To Albe Julius Meiers, A Tribute On His Ninety-First Birthday And A Eulogy That We Get To Watch Him Hear By Teak Kilmer September 12, 2010       Albe has lived life fulfilled, fulfilled of ham and chicken wings two hours taken breakfasting of victuals myriad, bold and bolstering Chewing he could teach to cows, but chew he must to swallow things A cause methinks of his longevity, and since he eats just anything that sates his palette, rich and sweet in amounts bewildering for a man of such shallow verticality and slight of height he brings   Humor fills him too and us in amusements by wit and behaviors oft astonishing hung up in downspouts, bicycle and trash can tricks, in these for us a Fairy King anyone in front of him would soon be his pal; he’d know about them nearly everything even more than food he has appreciated and been most excellent at chattering a man of gratitude and joy despite life challenges and depression’s urgings He grew up full

This, My Final Cycle

  This, My Final Cycle By Teak Kilmer July 1, 2010 at Cursive Writers’ Group   ...written using only the words provided on a tray of magnetized verse to be ; and randomly furnished to each us by Julie, our leader du jour, just before commencing this piece, our assignment–fourth in a series using only the words provided on the trays.     I am that almost moment of serenity a hair away by laugh or music from the surreal truth that makes doubt will its way to grace, a choice, the parent of Spirit’s knowing, sustaining beauty through prayer and meditation   giving hope of birth (of this life saving) husbanding health, relief, but life looms by deep cycles I walk them, asking why, why so hard my soul to understand, to gently pamper feeling that I would use surgery to remove, but must accept?   I would protect my young fiery pleasure as less aesthetic skin and self do show the thing to hardly I can bear as last breath draws more near to t

The Price of Poetry

  The Price of Poetry By Teak Kilmer Circa 1998   Hello there, Mr. I’m hoping your site is the one from I can buy some serious pain put my psyche in a twit of strain and by so doing, great verse I will pen thus be a great poet and tragedienne but please Mr. my meager purse therefrom to exact but a cheap price … take from my flesh but a thin slice                      Yours sincerely,                    Teak Kilmer   Dear Teak, by e-mail you got us and pain we do have right up to your epiglotis but if writer you would be of verse expressed extraordinarily then excruciating anguish you must know in thought and feeling and even in your re me dough so in this we’ll not reduce the price nor otherwise be nice for only sacrifice suffice For poets we take whole flesh pie, not slice We always do our best for bards to deal the very worst of cards so if you’re to snuggle up to glory it’s by nail beds you’ll get your

Did You Buy Any Roses Today?

  Did You Buy Any Roses Today? A Valentine Poem for planet Earth, choose love or Armageddon77 Just before war was declared on Iraq and the following day we were to have march at Uptown in Minneapolis, MN. By Teak Kilmer February 14, 2003   Did you buy any roses today , odorless, soul-less,   chemical roses, hybridized, ‘pesticided’ fertilized roses dipped in preservative for the long trip to your home, roses that are killing and illing Ecuadorians roses produced for just 17 cents that you buy for dollars … three to 18 for profits egregious   for world corporations while humans environment and decency are pummeled?           Did you buy any roses today?   Did you say it with flowers or will you say it with scruples? Will the protest tomorrow be where your love is given? 2 PM around Uptown ; we’ll be raging, bemoaning corruption and evil, corruption and evil in the name   of some god some religion, some justified hatred while uninformed, misi

The Peace of God, A Prayer Poem

  The Peace of God, A Prayer Poem By the Reverend Teak Kilmer July 18, 2010   In Indigenous societies, there is almost no mental illness, and when they do have a rare onset, the episodes generally do not last for long and are milder than in our culture. They have no drugs.   They eat only wild grown, gathered and hunted foods and herbs and organic crops.   Their communities completely support the ill person until well again.   The studies that do include diet as a potential cause of onset of mental illness, list diet as the number one cause of onset.   In this poem the word Nature is used sacredly. Name and Nature have the same root, so “Do this in My Name also means do this in My Nature – be like me   kind and loving as you ask for gifts from Me.   Whenever the word “Nature” is used in this prayer think of earth’s and God’s Nature, as they are inseparable.   Let us Pray:     Most Precious One, Most Holy Ancestor, Spirit of all Life Grant us wisdom to return

My Journey

  My Journey By Teak Kilmer Sometime in 2009       “Release all that is unlike Love.”   “Big talker”, I tell her   “But what better do you have to do with your life?”   I notice I cannot call up better   “Fall in love with healing; fall in love with beauty Do the next right thing; be yourself so much that all remaining is but wonder thus service will just pour out of you … as it is Spirit that will do the work Be at peace; that’s the all of it; you’ll know you’re there when all you feel is bliss”   “This bliss is fickle, visiting in but   fleeting Holy moments,” I remind her   “Practice, practice, practice; the groove grows deeper as it is worn by traffic Focus on the feelings, the good feelings and when you wander from … notice and come back Change your feelings to steer your thoughts yea, minimize your thoughts; make your motto:   ‘I think not , therefore, I am”   “But do be honest with what you’re feeling Denial is a diffe

Alpine Solution

  Alpine Solution              By Teak Kilmer                circa 1999   *I wrote this poem during a one-hour long staff meeting at American Supply Company; immediately after, I drove to the Alpine Company, went into the President’s office, and told him I had written the company poem. Not knowing me, he was hesitant. I talked him into letting me read the poem at the sales meeting, got a standing ovation, and after the meeting he bought the poem from me for $250.00. This became the company poem.     Alpine ─ the absolutely best solution to epidemic air pollution The EPA says indoor air is our problem most extraordinaire Allergens, bacteria, xylene and benzene hydrocarbons, styrene, trichlorethelene   dust and dust mites, their carcasses and feces mold and mold spores invade us and our kitties formaldehyde, pollens and sulphur dioxide we inhale with abandon but should not abide   Chloroform and cat dander and other things that disgust enter through


  Hope   By Teak Kilmer June 9, 2011       Tell me about God, Julian Tell me about God Escort me into that Garden wherein his face is every bloom Her laughter every scented breeze   Tell me about God, Julian Tell me about God I surrender to your knowing until I too know how to know and give my all to Love   Tell me now about God, Julian Tell me now

Swine Swoon

  SWINE SWOON by Teak Kilmer March 5, 2009       At Cursive Writers’ group today I misheard a word and it sounded thus: smoot.    I filed that sound in my spherical mental basket for potential later use. Cathy , our noble leader of letters du jour, today presented photos of animals posing oddly yet charmingly.   One was of two pigs snuggling.   “File that for future reference”, I tell my inner secretary. Next Cathy reads relevant inspiration to us and recommends spending our writing efforts mumbling through the not so ordinary and meaningless. Hence the work … “Swine Swoon”.     All Hail the World’s Most Precious and Prodigious …   and Most Pervasive Pink Pig Smoot – the annual grand global, quite slimy, much too intimate Stinking…the whole hog…hugging and cuddling contest   Porcine types wallow from around the sphere to gather into togetherness, slapping pork chop to pork rind … porkers pork; they bring home the bacon That’s what they do … But; there’

Sweet Sleep

  Sweet Sleep By Teak Kilmer August 2012   Take me, Great One, to your sleep ─ into your valley dark and deep Swath me in dreams my spirit keeps Wake me in morning with smiles in heaps Wake me in morning with smiles in heaps


  Springing By Teak Kilmer April 29, 2010       Spring-a-ling-a-ling summer’s door bell rings Lawn leaves beckon while wind storms be reckin’ Falling limbs ‘bout every second   Rake me, weed me, pick up sticks Kids to each other mud affix Young father making tool-ish noise Building tree house for little boys and/or sawing and attaching joists   Or studs or roof or siding stuff and kidlets playing Blind Man’s Bluff Birdies singing chirp and tweet Grinning tulips for squirrels to eat in winter fat still replete   Leaves in citrine and hues of green some maroon, purple seen from infancy to adolescence rush maturity soon in full flush as all of nature does up-rush   Glowing crystal prism waves Wood ducks by nature praised as the mallards and the geese demonstrate to us the peace that all of life … is one apiece