My Journey
My Journey
By Teak Kilmer
Sometime in 2009
“Release all that is unlike Love.”
Do the next right thing; be yourself so much
that all remaining is but wonder
thus service will just pour out of you …
as it is Spirit that will do the work
Be at peace; that’s the all of it; you’ll know
you’re there when all you feel is bliss”
“This bliss is fickle, visiting in but
fleeting Holy
moments,” I remind her
“Practice, practice, practice; the groove
grows deeper as it is worn by traffic
Focus on the feelings, the good feelings
and when you wander from … notice and come back
Change your feelings to steer your thoughts
yea, minimize your thoughts; make your motto:
‘I think not, therefore, I am”
“But do be honest with what you’re feeling
Denial is a different beast and will keep you down
Be not proud; own up; stand up; face up. Ask
‘What and who am I avoiding, denying?’ Go there …
and then let go and choose anew: a loving,
gentle feeling ─ until all that’s left is you,
Magnificent, loveable you”
This that she whispers is indeed what I do in
secret yearn for. Resistance has not served me
nor protest; perhaps surrender will
I would rather avoid the apparent work, but in
my heart I know the pain is born of this avoidance
I have wanted to get
even before getting better
Wanted first to exact revenge, and
to tell you how it is so hard for me
Harder for me than
it is for you
to lay out my case of grief and woe; or
to tell you how my problem
is greater
than your solution naming faulty genes
developing in a toxic and schizophrenic womb
being born disturbed, raging and sobbing,
then lead and mercury poisoning, Lyme and
other tick borne infectious diseases, chronic
back pain, bipolar, post traumatic stress and
severe generalized anxiety disorder
abusive upbringing ─ as my excuses
but excuses are but temptation’s trap …
Yea what we dwell on we
dwell in.
This is an old and heavy story
I would no longer own. I must be
shedding my excuses and hear out
this voice of conscience; shed
one lost or lessened defect at a time
as in companionship with like minds
bravely to the Hollowed go…
To be only ─ what is like love
Hmmm, I can see both sides, as I have been on both. “Is the heart of Truth, Paradox?” “Well, Yes and No.”