Alpine Solution


Alpine Solution


          By Teak Kilmer

               circa 1999


*I wrote this poem during a one-hour long staff meeting at American Supply Company; immediately after, I drove to the Alpine Company, went into the President’s office, and told him I had written the company poem. Not knowing me, he was hesitant. I talked him into letting me read the poem at the sales meeting, got a standing ovation, and after the meeting he bought the poem from me for $250.00. This became the company poem.



Alpine ─ the absolutely best solution to epidemic air pollution

The EPA says indoor air is our problem most extraordinaire

Allergens, bacteria, xylene and benzene

hydrocarbons, styrene, trichlorethelene


dust and dust mites, their carcasses and feces

mold and mold spores invade us and our kitties

formaldehyde, pollens and sulphur dioxide

we inhale with abandon but should not abide


Chloroform and cat dander and other things that disgust

enter through skin and lungs with the dust

We're tired and irritable, too often ill

exercise more; to sleep we take pills


choose foods with concern, drink only pure water

still the illnesses spread from parent to daughter

more often each year ─ cuz the air that we breathe

is full of indoor pollutants and our health it dos seize


Turning to drugs and booze to try to feel better

while the dry cleaning solution emanates from our sweaters

bringing us down in energy and mood

yet the air that we breathe undermines the good food


extra time sleeping, sugar, Ritalin and caffeine

might all be unneeded if the air we will clean

Only Alpine can do it so thoroughly and cheaply

penetrate fabrics and drapes and carpets so deeply


With radio waves, ions and ozone profuse

so your body and mind will be there for your use

to work and to play, to think and create

live long, reach your goals and with family relate


We duplicate sunshine, falling water and lightening

with radio ions and ozone from Alpine

making inert and converting the fumes

to compounds not harmful that around us to loom


We call it appropriately "Thunder Storm in a Box"

You'll appreciate being no longer ‘intoxed’

when the air smells as good as after a rain

and that feeling alive fills body and brain


and you sleep fewer hours and awake more refreshed

and you're more calm yet alert, more healthy, less stressed

and your spouse and your kids arc similarly blessed

because the germs and the fungus and toxic gasses are gone


What remains is pure air, the dance and the song

that nature meant life to be; now, let's pass it along









  1. Wow! He got that poem cheap! You ‘coulda’ made another one of your fortunes in advertising!


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