The Peace of God, A Prayer Poem


The Peace of God, A Prayer Poem

By the Reverend Teak Kilmer

July 18, 2010


In Indigenous societies, there is almost no mental illness, and when they do have a rare onset, the episodes generally do not last for long and are milder than in our culture. They have no drugs.  They eat only wild grown, gathered and hunted foods and herbs and organic crops.  Their communities completely support the ill person until well again.


The studies that do include diet as a potential cause of onset of mental illness, list diet as the number one cause of onset.


In this poem the word Nature is used sacredly. Name and Nature have the same root, so “Do this in My Name also means do this in My Nature – be like me kind and loving as you ask for gifts from Me.  Whenever the word “Nature” is used in this prayer think of earth’s and God’s Nature, as they are inseparable.


Let us Pray:


 Most Precious One, Most Holy Ancestor, Spirit of all Life

Grant us wisdom to return to learning: from and being in Your Nature

to again ingest the foods that through nature you have provided us

to restore our air and water to as purely as you gave it, renew our pace

to your pace, being still, in the silence wherein your voice that whispers can be heard 

Restore our sense of concern to fill need before greed, and the

love that is your love share without condition, without limits


Show us again to practice only the Spirit of the Law, which is one alone – to love, to 

judge not, as that is the opposite of love, to fear not, as that too is love’s opposite, to

trust You and honor reason, wake up to population stresses, overcrowding 

stresses, destruction of habitat of your nature that alone heals most gloriously your 

troubled, over-stimulated, fragile, beautiful beings. Quantity is destroying quality and 

now we have the ‘devil’s' work of global warming to undue. This once Eden that could 

again be Heaven on Earth, for this shake us like trees in the wind to awaken to the 

disdain with which we treat Your Gifts of Life and our home that you have provided for 

this Life


We pray all these and to teach us to note this wisdom – that we are called Man- kind, for 

kindness is our charge, our only goal and only Gift we need, from You from one 

another.  When these above we do, of mental illness and of suicide we will rarely know.  

They will surely lose again their way with us as we no longer offer invitation for their 

visitation. Society itself has slowly become ever less sane, and it is we in our ways who 

make each other have onsets of these horrific illnesses and it is we who must honor Your 

Will, Your Way, Your Healing and by the doing, by Your Grace and our partnership

Find for one and all the Peace of God


In Your Name, in Your Nature for these we pray … AMEN


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