To His ‘Wholiness’ The Pun-tiff


To His ‘Wholiness’

 The Pun-tiff

By Teak Kilmer, SEE

November 25, 2017


Our friend Roger was born physically challenged, unable ever to even ride a bike,

 but he is a person of marvelous spiritual beauty and a punster extraordinaire.


Know we a one who’s very punny

and by this stroke is very funny

His talents in this regard

hoist all comers by such petard


Pun-tificates does he this lad

till no one round him could be sad

lifts he one’s spirits, rustles one’s belly

turning all about to rosy jelly


As lad, had no skill in such as punting

 thus became the class punner

which all do know is much more funner

He does this art sans pun- or pun-cil …

just spews at will from oral enuncils


His utterances disarm with pun-ch and beauty

as trippingly he does this humor duty

our Roger Curtner: one man pun-demic he

thus doberman pun-cher and pun-ny tat we gift aglee


as off they swift him to the pun-itentiary


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