Twisted Old Sayings




·        Every dog is bliss

·        Honesty loves company

·        Children make the man

·        Jesus makes Jack a dull boy

·        Boys gather no moss

·        One man’s meat moves in mysterious ways

·        One hand deserves another

·        One good turn is worth two in the bush

·        The world will get you nowhere

·        A bird in the hand smells after three days

·        Fish and guests think alike

·        Familiarity is only skin deep

·        God flies when you are having fun

·        A women’s work is a man’s best friend

·        The early bird spoils the broth

·        A thing of beauty gets the grease

·        A friend in need begins at forty

·        The road to Hell makes the world go round

·        Dead men should be seen and not heard

·        Poetry should be heard and not seen

·        Jesus makes light work

·        Every dog finds work for idle hands to do



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