



           1st to (at least in all of western        Understand human psyche

                         Culture):                             Understand human condition

                                                                      Introspect and self examination

                                                                      Explain human nature

                                                                      Develop characters who chose to change and grow     


               He was able to perceive:            Falstaff’s wit

                                                                    Hamlet’s intellect

                                                                    MacBeth’s imagination

                                                                    Lear’s love

                                                                    Personality as an entity and a dynamic


              He gets us to ask:                       Who are we?

                                                                   What does it mean to be human?

                                                                   What does it mean to be spiritual?



Shakespeare perceived and shared the apex of spiritual wisdom in the grandest eloquence. He is the prototypical transcendentalist, the pioneer and precursor of higher consciousness, the metaphysician extraordinaire, the lamp unto our souls, the most original and comprehensive of all authors in all of history.


He had a 21,000 word vocabulary and created 2000 new words when the average person of his time spoke only 500-600 words.

 In the year 1999 the finest scholars in every discipline around the world were asked what they considered to be the greatest accomplishment of the last 1000 years, “Hamlet” was the answer most often given.

 He recreated our self concept, potential and capacity.

 He was and still is the supreme authority in poetry and prose; and among those greatest to ever have lived in philosophy, psychology, theology and sociology.

 His intellect, wit, spiritual depth, imagination, wisdom, and punditry and with the self and human realization that is in most respects unsurpassed in all of human history – So much so that the questions must solicit: How did he happen? How could such excess of excellence come to be in one individual?

 With Ben Johnson he rewrote the Psalms and parts of Isaiah/ unfortunately Shakespeare mentioned starlings in his works. A wealthy German emigrant believed all bird species so honored should reside in America and released 60 pairs in 1890 & 91 in Central Park, NYC.  The rest is misery.

 I personally recommend the audio tapes > The Metaphysical Shakespeare, By Don Curtis – Unity minister and Shakespearean actor and director from Dallas, Texas.


  1. High praise for Shakespeare, well earned and well stated. Thanks!

  2. Pathfinding transports us beyond what an individual knows and enters into unknown territories of curiosities beckoning discoveries of others.

    Thank you for the bread crumbs Teak. The succulent nutrients within your well rooted words of wisdom have become a necessary and sacred path in discovering our friendship.


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