Letter From Julius


Letter From Julian



On Thu, Jun 16, 2011 at 12:22 PM, Julius Coffman <sacredhorse.storyteller@yahoo.com> wrote:


Hi Teak,


Thank you again for a wonderful lesson in the power of words. Recently I have been asked by several organizations to write a book about the last seven years of my life. A ghost writer may be the answer to my prayers. One of the challenges I face is the lack of meaning within the limitations of the written word. How does an individual express the experience of a double rainbow appearing during a thunderstorm? Where is the proper placement within the confining structures of a paragraph to mention the power of God and the euphoric existence of love?

Stumbling blindly through a thesaurus I expand my high school vocabulary searching for words I have not yet written or experienced. Many times the laughter of doubt discourages my enchanted dreams to become who I have been birthed to be. An author of many best selling books. 

Teak, God has brought you into my life to teach me that words are as powerful as the shifting vibrations within an earthquake. You have taught me each sound uttered creates both the key and lock to universal doors of the divine. God has reminded me that there are men like you Teak that truly prove the power of the pen is greater then the weapons forged from wrought iron or steel.

Thank you for finding the courage to reveal your brilliant mind that is immersed in the wisdom of etymology.  Please forgive me if I have used the wrong words for I am still the learning student of your mastery.


Attached is a letter I wrote a few nights ago asking some interesting questions. I would love to read what contemplations you ponder while experiencing the alchemy purposely written to unlock the powers of the unconscious mind. 



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