Dressed Up in Terror


Dressed Up in Terror

By Teak Kilmer

April 15, 2005



Sharon, our journal group leader today, gives us several choices of what to write about; these ideas come from opening randomly to pages of a Pablo Neruda book of poems and from Writing Down the Bones by Julia Cameron.


The choices: Describe your typical morning; use any of the following to write about – The words are...”Remember”…”Dressed  up in terror” and “ sighing”.  I employed all of these in my ten minutes of writing – actually printing ─ so I could read it.




I remember being dressed up in terror, sighing

That’s how I start my mornings  

The words that awaken me are

like the ones that slept with me

They ran my night and

now demand my day


They want to tell me what to think

“Who’s in charge here, I Howl?!”

“We are”, they say

Some days I scream

“The hell you are

Get away from me”


“I need more sleep but

you badger me

I cannot lie here with you

I do not sleep with tyrants!”

but I do, of course. Then I wonder

“If I kill you, will I die?!”




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