Oh, Thomas, My Thomas


Oh, Thomas, My Thomas

A Love Song to My Friend

On your Birthday June 17, 2010

By Teak Kilmer



Oh, Thomas, my Thomas

You fulfill the promise

of friendship, of kinship,

of companionship that’s blue chip

stewardship and lots’a lip.

thus cheerio and pip pip!!


For your love and support

it’s with you I comport

You’re a major seaport,

resort and (davenport?)

of my loneliness to deport

What a sport!!


Your laughter and your gaity

upraise my joculaity,

for which I have insatiaiety

You soothe my blues and greyity

when I feel like Humpty Dumpity

You’re the Highness of happieity

Oh, whoopdidoieity!!


Your forgiveness and understanding

are on my heart and soul a’landing

bringing grace and hope within me standing

whilst you are humanitarianding

to myself and all who would be banding

into a life supporting outfit from yucky to outstanding

Yea, the world’s a better place because you’re my friend foreveranding!!


  1. I love the words you invent that are clever and perfect in their meaning!


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