Poems on Demand



Four Poems from Star Island Camp

Circa 1997

 By Teak Kilmer

These 4 poems were written at Star Island Camp. People would give the writer a topic, and he would compose a poem, then and there…for money, of course.



By Teak Kilmer

Poem 1 of 4



There is a coven of rocking chairs

or is it a gaggle but, oh, who cares

giraffes and lambs and flibbity Gibbets

toads and frogs that mostly say “Ribbet”

ephelumps and woozles and goosey sorts


that when folks aren’t there, laugh and cavort

They’re the rocking chairs upon the porch

that party only when we don’t watch

We call this sillianity

the animal porch chairippity





Five Days of Rain and One of Sunshine

By Teak Kilmer

Poem 2 of 4



Five days of rain and one of sunshine

found cozy ways to pass the day time

read and write and games at night

walks in rain for birds to sight


Not being dank enough outside

into the dark room some would slide

after pictures they would take

for that artists’ inner sake

indoors, outdoors—party on

food, folks and stories on and on

weather or not the beat goes on

trumpets, marching and bon bon


Maybe next year we will swim,

canoe and sail and get slim

This year we’ve cozied and firesided

made good friends and been abided




Johnstown Flood

By Teak Kilmer

Poem 3 of 4



The Johnstown Flood we could expect

yet always shocked by such event

The drama of the tragedy

fills a need in humanity


We marvel at the insanity

of those who linger and wait for thee ─

This wall of water that now moves me

I can write no longer you”ll understand

for I’m underwater where there once was land




Children with Little Supervision

By Teak Kilmer

Poem 4 of 4



Children with little supervision

roam unleashed into collision

with one another and little brother

leaving in dust Father and Mother


The parents are not really neglectful

but of these kidlets being respectful

The parents though are traumatized

They’re seldom needed by these little guys


What is this miracle that we don’t now fear

and what in the city makes it disappear?

What messages of life do we share here

that we can take back for the rest of the year?









  1. Very clever and creative thoughts. Thanks!

  2. Fun and lovely poems surely reflect the place and time they were written. Sweet.


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