Grief’s Gift


Grief’s Gift

By Teak Kilmer

Thursday, August 20th 2008


A steel tray of magnetized words was passed to each of us at our Cursive Writers Group.

 I chose to write a poem using only the words that were on the tray, 

She says: “Find me a dark tear

In there’s the pink caress of Heaven

Release your grief, Sweet Sugar Moon

Laugh tiny, soft and happy rhapsodies


Delicious rivers ever innocent as

merry mornings … search …

wishing to be you


Touch the peace, the sleep, the dance

Touch the singing sea

Look home; listen to your work


Find the hero universe; it is at

once your ward and will and wild


Be forever in between

language and the end


and so your little eye

in choice with me – forever still





“She” is Spirit and my wife Jo Anne. “Language” here refers to thoughts, the busy mind.

“..the end” refers to a belief in an end: death.  “… little eye” refers to the third eye.








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