

Shakespeare                1 st to ( at least in all of western          Understand human psyche                            Culture ):                                 Understand human condition                                                                         Introspect and self examination                                                                          Explain human nature                                                                        Develop characters who chose to change and grow                        He was able to perceive :                Falstaff’s wit                                                                       Hamlet’s intellect                                                                        MacBeth’s imagination                                                                          Lear’s love                                                                      Personality as an entity and a dynamic     

To JoAnne on Our 20th Anniversary

  To Jo Anne on July 22, 2009 Our 20 th Anniversary By Teak Kilmer     When I am with you, I am When I am not with you I think of you and I am   I see you in the garden my heart lifts. I am happy for you you tend and weed me too   I rub you when you hurt make dinners; remove the trash even when I am scarcely present   because these and more are due you no matter the wage A thought of you propels me   I am with you and I am

A list of Essential Reads -- START HERE

  Essential Reads   These are some of the entries in my blog, ones that are a good overview and a good place to start to see if you are interested in reading more. There are many humorous, meaningful, fascinating and even gut wrenching stories, poems, philosophical aphorisms, jokes and much more. Enjoy!   First Read: INTRO  AND THEN START WITH:  The Words then Meditation Home More Jokes and Stuff Epitaph Minnesota Seasons Push Mower Amusements Ireland Ode to the Fart Pant-ing; or My Genes have the Blues Somewhere there is a Boy Peanut Butter and Bacon The Puntiff St. Valentine’s Card The Fats of Life Topsy Turvey Hi Dad Flowers Airy Nothings PERHAPS THE REASON I WAS BORN, THE FOLLOWING: Spiritual Etymology Cleverisms-A Collection Cruise Diary Eight Eight Eighty Eight Cinnamon Battery Soap I Am I Will Miss You My Prayer My Tub Muses, Quotes Nina Simone  

I Am

  I Am                                                                                       By Teak Kilmer                                                                                           June 11, 2010   I wrote this poem in 20-25 minutes at my journaling group at Seward Drop in Center for the mentally ill. Most of my poems were written in this period of time at my writer’s or journaling group. Only magnetized words that were on a metal tray were used to form this poem.   I am in the moment of no other time in the place of no other place I Am   I am drawn to Nature’s Love as Your Love has Drawn me May my words ripple others’ waters as You, the Great One, ripple me I Am   The Breaths of Angels paint clouds of Images distinctly You and I too am those Images, for You Breathe me as You Breathe the Angels I Am   I hope to die to life before I die from life, to pass away from doubt and Fear, and by Love and Joy and Peace, Liv

My Dream Vacation

  “My Dream Vacation” – Our writer’s group prompt of the day By Teak Kilmer, July 7 th 2009   Oh, how many to choose from ─ a wilderness anything ─ a northern Minnesota lake (Jasper maybe), loons, grebes, teals, deer drinking near me from the lake, wolves howling at dusk, night dips in the lake, kayaking, bright aqua, yellow and even red darning needles and giant dragon flies staring at me five inches from my face ─ for 30-40 minutes, not letting me take it’s picture or Boundary Waters Canoe Wilderness, or North Shore of Lake Superior, anywhere in pure nature, mountain hikes, swimming in the ocean ─ especially on that deserted beach in the Bahamas, Beaver Lake in Northern Pennsylvania that had beavers and turtles and fish galore and floating islands ─ and, of course bring on the flowers and the birds and butterflies and one more thing: being still and taking it all in in an appreciating heart. And, oh, who could forget Oquaga Lake with its unique pheromone aroma, its soothing

Letter From Julius

  Letter From Julian     On Thu, Jun 16, 2011 at 12:22 PM , Julius Coffman < > wrote:   Hi Teak,   Thank you again for a wonderful lesson in the power of words. Recently I have been asked by several organizations to write a book about the last seven years of my life. A ghost writer may be the answer to my prayers. One of the challenges I face is the lack of meaning within the limitations of the written word. How does an individual express the experience of a double rainbow appearing during a thunderstorm? Where is the proper placement within the confining structures of a paragraph to mention the power of God and the euphoric existence of love? Stumbling blindly through a thesaurus I expand my high school vocabulary searching for words I have not yet written or experienced. Many times the laughter of doubt discourages my enchanted dreams to become who I have been birthed to be. An author of many best selling books.  Teak, God ha


  NO STINKIN AUTOGRAPHS! by Teak Kilmer circa 1999   “Wow!   That is powerful!   I want a copy!   May I have a copy?” “Sure.”   “I’ll be right back.   I’ll just go make a copy” Pacing while I wait for Faruk Abuzzahab, MD, PhD to return to his, my psychiatrist’s office.   He returns, flips the poem around, places it on his desk that is on the pile of books and papers nearest to me on his desk and says, “Sign it for me, please.”   I do, and I soon leave after I’ve told him there’s another one I just wrote, similar topic, more humorous.   “Be sure you bring it next time.”   “Yah, I’m intending to publish” I say. Seven and quarter hours later I realize I’ve just given out my autograph, then asked for and gave my autograph.   I’ve never sought an autograph, not from Jerry Lewis or Joe DiMaggio that I introduced myself to at 14 years of age (got Jerry’s picture – clown pose) and dove into DiMaggio in the pool at the Traymore Hotel in Atlantic City.   I also met Nelson