
Why Frogs?

  Why Frogs? By Teak Kilmer August 3 rd 2002   Frogs don’t fly, don’t sing, don’t do much of anything ...   except to croak and peep and when scared, they leap sit on fronds on lilly ponds   but frogs don’t fly, don’t sing don’t do much of anything ...   save grow their webby toes sidelong snare yucky bugs with their tongue-tongs that are longer than most drinking songs and other frogs of whom they’re fond to they’ll snuggle-up and bond ...   but frogs don’t fly, don’t sing don’t do much of anything...   except do frog kicks to exercise deep in water, then they rise in purple, green and red some are even blonde it’s said   but frogs don’t fly, don’t sing don’t do much of anything ...   yet pose on covers of greeting cards for which on my visa I may charge and hereon write poems like this and wish you oodles of birthday bliss     HAPPY BIRTHDAY, Mabel     Grandpa Teak               I wrote this on the i

When a Senior in HIGH SCHOOL

  When a Senior in High School By Teak Kilmer     When a senior in high school, I wrote a term paper – stayed up all night, read four books on the Battle of Gettysburg and wrote the paper ─ in one fell swoop, or as I like to say , one swell foop . That afternoon I turned that paper in to my English teacher, Ms. what’s her name (Oh, God, what is her name?) who honored me with four A+’s on that paper.  I was stunned, just as I had been when she choose me to read the leads in both the plays we read that year: “Cyrano DeBergerac” and “Abe Lincoln in Illinois” – still to this day two of my great heroes, they – both for their deeds and for their impeccable eloquence, their love of words and truth and justice and all virtue”.   Never before had a teacher had faith in me; all the others were indifferent or humiliating or punitive, seeing only my dysfunction that stemmed from my errant genes and family horrors, but did not notice my talent nor especially my crying out for love which my

Twisted Old Sayings

  TWISTED OLD SAYINGS   ·         Every dog is bliss ·         Honesty loves company ·         Children make the man ·         Jesus makes Jack a dull boy ·         Boys gather no moss ·          One man’s meat moves in mysterious ways ·         One hand deserves another ·         One good turn is worth two in the bush ·         The world will get you nowhere ·         A bird in the hand smells after three days ·         Fish and guests think alike ·         Familiarity is only skin deep ·         God flies when you are having fun ·         A women’s work is a man’s best friend ·         The early bird spoils the broth ·         A thing of beauty gets the grease ·         A friend in need begins at forty ·         The road to Hell makes the world go round ·         Dead men should be seen and not heard ·         Poetry should be heard and not seen ·         Jesus makes light work ·         Every dog finds work for idle hands to do  

Topsy Turvey

Topsy Turvey March 19, 2009 … (25 minutes to write) By Teak Kilmer, SEE    A Prompt for Cursive Writer’s Group: Think of Phrases Common, Make Observations Uncommon   Waste not; want not … want is waste late night eating feeds my hazardous waist   If you can’t say anything good, say nothing at all … but you can always say something good   When you are drawing a blank, what colors do you use?   Picture this: a person head over heels…do you have it yet? “Heels over head” would be posture akimbo!   A prisoner is one or thing that im-prisons A prisonee is one incarcerated! Hence describe: “escapee” and “escaper”.   Finish the sequence: tenth, ninth, eighth, seventh, sixth, fiveth , fourth … threeth, twoth, oneth .  Note – we mispronounce “two” (it should be obvious that two does not rhyme with too and neither does to) and “one”, should rhyme with; bone, cone, phone, and stone   War is Hell so why are we so in love with it? War is proof of failure   The penis mightier than the sword Sex

To Richard Rainbolt ─ Who Helped Me to Ask Only For the Healing of My Perceptions

  To Richard Rainbolt ─ Who Helped Me to Ask Only For the Healing of My Perceptions By Teak Kilmer, SEE On the day you left this plane and planet: May 13, 2011     How fitting it is that Richard would be the first in our original Course in Miracles core group to make the passage ; He has always led the way when it comes to passages; He knew them because he loved and lived them and (in soft, calm voice) refrained them reassuringly   I have envied him this and wondered how he got it so completely I realize now as I sit here that I had wanted to ask him how he knew , what made his epiphany become him, but I let distraction get my attention instead of the question that will not be asked   Three decades ago after a Unity Church service, Arne Wasberg followed me to asking Richard to lead a Course in Miracles group on Sunday nights He rejoiced in the offer and the opportunity and in the task, and we basked in his light, his … peace week after week, ye

To Jo Anne on July 22, 2009 Our 20th Anniversary

  To Jo Anne on July 22, 2009 Our 20 th Anniversary By Teak Kilmer     When I am with you, I am when I am not with you I think of you and I am   I see you in the garden My heart lifts. I am happy for you You tend and weed me too   I rub you when you hurt make dinners; remove the trash even when pain, exhaustion barely do enable   because these and more are due you no matter the wage A thought of you propels me   I am with you and I am    

To His ‘Wholiness’ The Pun-tiff

  To His ‘Wholiness’   The Pun-tiff By Teak Kilmer, SEE November 25, 2017   Our friend Roger was born physically challenged, unable ever to even ride a bike,   but he is a person of marvelous spiritual beauty and a punster extraordinaire.   Know we a one who’s very punny and by this stroke is very funny His talents in this regard hoist all comers by such petard   Pun-tificates does he this lad till no one round him could be sad lifts he one’s spirits, rustles one’s belly turning all about to rosy jelly   As lad, had no skill in such as punting   thus became the class punner which all do know is much more funner He does this art sans pun- or pun-cil … just spews at will from oral enuncils   His utterances disarm with pun-ch and beauty as trippingly he does this humor duty our Roger Curtner: one man pun-demic he thus doberman pun-cher and pun-ny tat we gift aglee   as off they swift him to the pun-itentiary