
Showing posts from November, 2021


  A-muse-ments ( A means with , Muse is obvious, ments means presence or situation )   God only knows  should be  Only God knows .  Why is  refused  not the repeating of  fused ?           A  prisoner  is one who imprisons, and escapee is one who escapes from prison.  Prisonee  and  escaper  are correct. Strange that we got both prisoner and escapee outside in. English is such a mess. We also use  drug  when we mean dragged and  snuck  when we mean sneaked (conjugating  snuck  would be  sneak ,  snake ,  snuck, I presume).  Head over heels  means you are really vertical with your head up and feet down! The expression should be  heels over head !  You have to live on the edge in order to see over the edge. The great poets and other artists lived and live on the edge and, therefore, seem to b...


  Fertile-wiser By Teak Kilmer February 2nd, 1996     My parents both died long before I was born But shit’s fertilizer and makes the fields warm. If shit did not happen our soil would die There’d be no more crop, nor bird, bee, butterfly. So go within and discover what seeds you must plant In this pile of crap you thought was a can’t. Let manure decay into fodder for growth Add sunlight and water and praise to your God; Yeah, nothing ere happens that’s not for good sod. Seize the day (carpe diem); Harness horse to the plow; The sunshine is love; The water is the how; The seed is the what. All that’s left is the now!


  CONGRADUATIONS TO SONJA ON THIS YOUR DAY OF NURSING MASTERY *   June 11, 1999       Congraduations, Master ful one ... Inspires a person to offer a pun; And here you are in cap and gown Replacing years of stress and frown   With victory over self profound, So this ... your day to play and clown Oh, Sonja, nurse of great renown. And let us hail too your family,   The roots and branches of your tree; As feeding them, they're feeding thee - Accomplishment by synergy. Sometimes I've wondered,   "Do you serve three masters?" Is student, worker, mother:   disaster? But you've pulled it off, And my cap I doff!   So party, party, party Till your buns fall off.   LOVE, Teak       *On the day my sister-in-law received her master’s degree in nursing. She is now past president of international nurses association and has her PhD in nursing.     ...

Cinnamon Battery Soap

  Our journaling group leader passes around cinnamon in a shaker (commercial variety), a battery (C size) and an average commercial bar of rancid pig fat, chemically scented (to hide the rancidity) soap and says: “write about what these remind you of”, thus we have…     Cinnamon Battery Soap By Teak Kilmer   From “Products That Gamble, the take a risk and Try our stuff company. This - our newest sensation: Cinnamon Battery Soap.     “Recharge” your bath and your cup of coffee with our newest cake of toxically perfumed, buzzed-up, rancid lard fat soap, but wait; there’s more: It’s laced with real fake cinnamon, that’s if it were really real t’would heal your inflammation, kill your gut Infections and balance your tilted blood sugar, but it’s not and it won’t.   But what do you care? Everybody’s doing it, so charge up your soak and your java juice. This stuff will electrify even your dull personality and those ...


  HISTORY, HERSTORY, MYSTERY By Thalas “Teak” Kilmer September 15, 2006 Journal Group, Seward CSP     “History” comes from Gc “histor” meaning “wise” and developed into “his story” – Usually the King’s story…if you wanted to keep your head.   I think we need note the inconsistency of wisdom and the stories by and about just powerful men; pure animus men.   This yet further example of male dominated, therefore, macho male inflated self image has much company in the language of English.   Where is the “herstory”: more feminine side, more nurturing, more compassion, more peaceful and intuitive aspects of humanity’s saga?... In rare appearance in comparison…and at our great loss.   Hey, most importantly I figure “mystery” means “my story” (our story; and blimey it’s a mystery alright. But, of course, most are all too certain we know already just how things are and are supposed to be even when so much of what we may do does not bring...

When A Senior in High School

  When a senior in high school By Teak Kilmer       When a senior in high school, I wrote a term paper – stayed up all night, read four books on the Battle of Gettysburg and wrote the paper ─ in one fell swoop, or as I like to say, one swell foop . That afternoon I turned that paper in to my English teacher, Ms. what’s her name (Oh, God, what is her name?) who honored me with four A+’s on that paper.   I was stunned, just as I had been when she choose me to read the leads in both the plays we read that year: “Cyrano DeBergerac” and “Abe Lincoln in Illinois” – still to this day two of my great heroes, they – both for their deeds and for their impeccable eloquence, their love of words and truth and justice and all virtue”.    Never before had a teacher had faith in me; all the others were indifferent or humiliating or punitive, seeing only my dysfunction that stemmed from my errant genes and family horrors, but did not notice my talent nor es...

A Prayer

  A Prayer By Teak Kilmer   Take, Oh, take me as I am Summon out what I shall be Set your seal upon my heart As I in you, Come live in me

Beside Myself

  Beside Myself By Teak Kilmer   During the day that I wrote this, I started a new and powerful nutritional supplement.   It caused me to detoxify, which is good, but I took too much too soon and went ballistic, which is not good.   The toxins, as they leave the body, brush by nerve endings causing distress.   Lots of them cause lots of distress and wild behaviors from severe agitation.   Drugs and withdrawing from drugs can have similar effects.   Also our bodies naturally cycle, sometimes they rest, sometimes, rebuild and sometimes cleanse (detoxify).   This, in part, accounts for the cycles we go through physically and emotionally. I went-off on my friend LouAnne over nothing; later in the day and immediately preceding this writing, my wife Jo Anne gave me a greatly needed and incredible Reiki treatment wherefrom this rhyming missive began to spring.   I spent the next 45 minutes suffering at the keyboard, knowing I had to get this o...